9 Clever Ways to Put Throw Away Items to Great Use

My mother always saved the things I deemed useless. She would patiently unwrap a gift only to save the gift wrapper, one cello tape at a time. No matter ...

3 min read

My mother always saved the things I deemed useless. She would patiently unwrap a gift only to save the gift wrapper, one cello tape at a time. No matter how much I laughed at this habit, I would find myself using the same wrapper on the days when I ran out of new ones at home.

Unfortunately, we are a generation that is mostly wasteful in nature. From a “make-do” generation, we have become a “get rid of it” generation. How many of us even recycle? And this after revelations from environmental reports about the growing pollution and landfills. We are a stark contrast to a generation that believed that everything could serve another purpose. Apart from recycling, we should put things to reuse.

Here’s how:

1. T-shirt bags

It is always a good exercise to donate clothes to the needy. When you think the t-shirts are beyond repair or donation, try this great hack. Convert your T-shirt into a grocery bag. It not only puts the t-shirt to good use but also helps you in avoiding the plastic bags that add more to pollution.

2. Egg shell and egg containers


Egg shells are one of the most versatile items that have multiple uses. They can be used to grow seedlings. Crushed egg shells are an excellent source of calcium for your garden. They can also be used to scrub your pots and pans. Egg containers can serve as containers for your jewelry or use them to serve munchies like peanuts.

3. Wire hangers

You will be surprised at the versatility of wire hangers. Here is a video from Thaitrick that shows you as many as twenty awesome ways to use them!

Courtesy: Thaitrick

4. Old socks

If you have lost a sock, don’t just throw away the other. Use it as a handy dust cleaner and if not they can serve well for aroma therapy. Fill the sock with white rice and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Tie the other end and voila! Whenever you have a body ache, simply heat the sock for a few seconds and place it on the aching body part to get relief.

Also Read: 5 Easy Hacks to Spruce-Up Your Home

5. Recycled plant holders

The best use of waste is to use it grow something that gives life. The old ketchup or milk bottles can be used to make plant holders that will not just adorn your desk but also add to cleaning the air around you. Just run the glass bottle under hot water to peal off the label cleanly before making a planter.


6. Self watering system

Plastic should be avoided as much as possible but how do you get rid of the beverage bottles or the mineral water bottles? Here is an easy hack for making a self watering system for your plants when you are not around to take care of them.

7. Silica gel packets

These small packets that you find lurking in new shoes to handbags to electronics. People throw it away almost immediately but don’t realize that these tiny innocuous packets possess incredible re-use value.


Silica gel acts as an incredible disinfectant and absorbs moisture and protects the food from water, molds and bacteria. Toss a packet in a box with important documents such as your certificates, agreements etc. or protect your stored clothing to protect them from odor. Keeping the packets with your tools prevents them from rusting. Keeping packets of silica gel inside your vehicle under the windshield and around side windows prevents them from interior fogging.

8. That old pair of jeans

We have already put your old T-shirt to a good use, how about your favorite pair of jeans? Rather than just storing it, re-use it. From making denim bibs to crochet scarves, denim has a lot of use!

Check out this article to know how to make them – 15 Things To Make From Old Jeans

9. Christmas decor ideas

Last but certainly not the least, with Christmas around the corner here is an awesome video that gives you great ideas for creative decor from scraps in your house. Stuff that you would deem potentially useless can be turned into something beautiful.

Courtesy: Shashii Suvarna

We hope these ideas make for great ways to reuse the items that you would otherwise throw away. To save the generations ahead, let us take some lessons from the generations gone by. We are not telling you clutter your home, but use the “clutter” wisely.

For more designs for home which are economical and eco friendly, seek an expert’s opinion. Book an interior designer today!

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