Winter Care Essentials For Your Skin

By Urban Company
4 min read
Nov 17, 2017
Winter is the most awaited month of the year when you can wear your mittens, slip into a cosy blanket and drink numerous cups of lattes. But it ...

Winter is the most awaited month of the year when you can wear your mittens, slip into a cosy blanket and drink numerous cups of lattes. But it also brings along oodles of skin care problems. From visible problems such as dry skin to underlying issues (e.g., eczema), a lot can happen if proper and timely measures of winter skin care are not taken. Among the other measures, you must use the suitable winter skin care products and eat the right kinds of food too. Take a look at this simple guide on winter skin care and keep your skin healthy, soft and glowing this season.
# Guide on Winter Skincare Routine
Choose the correct product

It is very important to use the correct winter skin care products. Since different people have different skin types, you must find a lotion, cream or moisturiser that suits your skin the best. If you have an oily skin, you won’t benefit from using a lotion that is meant for winter care for dry skin and vice versa. So, understand your skin type and choose the moisturising products meant for you. You could try using essential oils for your skin as these oils not only supply the lost moisture, they also fill up any pits or blemishes that your skin might have sustained.
Address the areas of extra dryness

During winters you might notice some areas of your skin excessively drying out. Your lips and feet are the worst affected areas. This is primarily because the oil producing glands are not equally distributed across the body. So, identify the areas of your body that feel especially dry and address the issue right away. Depending on your general skin type, get the perfect winter care. This will hydrate the skin and make it healthy and beautiful.
Exfoliate regularly

If you notice dry, flaky skin on the surface, make sure you gently scrub it off. In fact, it is highly advisable to exfoliate your skin regularly during the winters. The skin cells on the surface dry out very quickly and prevent the moisture from reaching the layers underneath. So, use a good facial scrub and exfoliate to get rid of these dead, dry skin cells. Once that is done, thoroughly moisturise your skin with the best essential oils available on the market. This will bring a very big difference to your winter skin care routine and fetch you better and quicker results.
Stay away from the sun

It definitely feels good to sun bathe during the winter, but the direct rays of the sun on your skin can cause a lot of damage, more so in winter. The UV rays of the sun can rob the skin off all the natural oils and make it dry. And since the natural oil production is anyway low in winter, the problem intensifies. So, if you want to enjoy the warmth of the sun on a chilly winter morning, make sure you apply a good sunscreen lotion or cover your face and arms with a light scarf. This will prevent the harmful rays from directly reaching and damaging your skin cells.
Eat properly

While you can avail all of the salon services at home and pamper your skin, you can also help the situation immensely by eating right. What you eat shows on your skin. Winter comes with an assortment of green veggies rich in vitamins and nutrients. Certain foods like coconuts and olives also help to restore the natural oils of your body. Coconut is rich in healthy fats and keeps your skin soft and supple. Olives are a rich source of Vitamin E, something which is essential for fighting dry skin. So, eat right this winter and see a noticeable difference in your skin quality.
Drink lots of water

Drinking water may be something you associate with the hot and humid summers. But you will be surprised to know that water is just as beneficial during the winters too as it is during the summers. The more water you drink, the greater your skin remains hydrated from within. Water also helps to flush out the harmful toxins from the skin and helps fight various winter skin problems as well. So, stack up your work stations with bottles full of this humble potion and see the result with time.
Salon services at home

It is very important to pamper your skin a little extra during the winters. It is not just a luxury, it is a necessity. This is because the skin genuinely loses a lot of its moisture and nutrients during this time. So, book some
salon services at homeand get pampered without having to move out. It really is rewarding!
Winter might make your skin more dry than usual. It may even lead to more complicated skin problems. However, most of this is preventable and all you need to do is take good care of your skin right from the word go. Follow the tips mentioned above straight away for a problem free skin.