What Is Alkaline Water And What Are Its Benefits?

By Urban Company
3 min read
Mar 11, 2024
What are the benefits of alkaline water? Your questions answered Ever wondered if the water you are drinking can be better? How’s that possible right? Water is water. ...

What are the benefits of alkaline water? Your questions answered
Ever wondered if the water you are drinking can be better? How’s that possible right? Water is water. But what if you could drink water that can be healthier than the one you’re currently consuming? You must have come across
pH levels in waterand with it, the acidic and basic nature of it. While water that is closest to the neutral zone is considered safest to consume, there are strong cases being made for alkaline water. But like most information online, there are a lot of myths and false narratives surrounding alkaline water. So if you’re interested to know more about alkaline water, its benefits and more then you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to explore just that:
What is alkaline water?
Let’s begin with the basics (pun not intended). Alkaline water has a pH level higher than 7 (neutral zone) which makes it basic in nature. Alkaline water typically has a pH level between 7-9. While it can be created artificially, alkaline water can also be found naturally in our environment. Here are some of the major sources of alkaline water:
Natural Spring:
Some natural springs known for their mineral-rich water sources generate water that has a higher alkalinity.
There are a couple of ways you can create alkaline water artificially. The first is a process known as ionisation. This electric reaction is set up using an ionizer in order to raise the pH level of the water. The result? some good ol’ alkaline water.
The second way you can create alkaline water is by simply adding substances alkaline in nature. These include bicarbonates of soda.
What are the benefits of alkaline water?
Hydrates better:
There are studies that claim alkaline water can be more effective at hydrating. Liquids that are basic in nature contain smaller clusters in their composition which in turn increases solubility. This increased solubility helps alkaline water to hydrate our body more effectively.
Helps neutralise acidic substances:
Fairly simple logic here, anything acidic can be neutralised with the addition of something basic. Alkaline water, thus, helps neutralise acidity potentially helping you from acid reflux and heartburn.
Improves your bone health and digestion:
There are studies that have developed a connection between consuming alkaline water and improved bone health. Healthy bones mean better digestion and protection against acidity and other digestive issues.
Alkaline water is an antioxidant:
Alkaline water contains antioxidant properties that help combat stress caused by oxidants and reduce inflammation.
Why should you be careful about drinking alkaline water?
While the benefits of alkaline water are aplenty, a case can be made for its judicious usage. Firstly, scientific evidence on alkaline water is still in its early stages. This means that there’s no consensus on the overall health effects of consuming alkaline water. More research is needed to draw a more conclusive verdict. There are also claims that we shouldn’t be tinkering with our body’s natural ability to balance pH levels. And finally, alkaline water is more expensive than your regular water. And it remains to be seen if the higher cost of alkaline water justifies its potential health benefits.
What do you need to know before consuming alkaline water?
Any drastic change in your water consumption shouldn’t be made without the advice of a healthcare professional. And if you intend to switch to alkaline water, it’s best you consult a professional before it. And if you’re consuming alkaline water, it is important to maintain a balanced diet that complements it. And finally, practice moderation. Excessive consumption could lead to unintended effects on the body.
Even though alkaline water has gained a lot of popularity for its proposed health benefits, it is still a subject that has split the health ecosystem. While studies have claimed its potential advantages, there is still a need for more conclusive evidence regarding alkaline water. Consulting a healthcare professional before making changes will do you a world of good.