Top 8 Graphic Designing Tips To Create A Winning Poster

By Urban Company
4 min read
Sep 08, 2017
During the recent years, graphic designing has come to be a rather integral part of marketing, advertising and web designing. You may ask, in what context. Using graphic deigning ...
During the recent years, graphic designing has come to be a rather integral part of marketing, advertising and web designing. You may ask, in what context.
Using graphic deigning has made it easier to create and sell advertisements, and to market anything, in a more effective way. Graphic design is more than just art. It is in itself, a form of communication, an interplay of text, imagery and eye-catching graphics all delivering a collective message. When you advertise or market something without the use of graphic designing, you are missing out on a huge chunk of opportunity to turn a prospect into a potential client or customer. To succeed in this, people use graphic designing to make marketing more colourful and interactive.
Now, to the topic at hand, we are here to talk about
poster making and how to do it effectively. Every one of us must have created a poster or a hand out or even a flier at some point in our lives. Be it for a school or college project or for an employer or even for yourself and the product that you’re selling, we must all have firsthand experience somehow. Nevertheless, it is pretty difficult to get that one perfect poster that clicks with every passer-by who takes a look at it.
This is effectively created when one knows the tricks of the trade, how to use the techniques and steps to create that one perfect poster.
We have thus picked out some of our favourite techniques that will indeed help you in the way.
1. Colour-eye coordination
Always remember that the most important and attractive factor in a poster is the colours that you use in the whole space given to you. Though you have the right and liberty to use as many colours as you want, using too many bright colours on your poster has the tendency to take away the focus from the main objective at hand. Hence, avoid using too many bright colours and instead, use soothing and warm colours that tend to attract viewers. Keep chiaroscuro (the art of playing with light and dark colours to bring about a 3D effect) in mind to create a calming shallow-depth feeling.
2. Experimental typography
When you make a poster using graphic design, keep in mind that not only is the imagery important, you also need to concentrate on the information that you provide within it. Hence, even if the information is powerful, if the typography or the font is not too attractive, there is a high chance that the whole poster may not click with the viewers. However, if you use different fonts on the poster, people tend to notice, much like when you use warm and soothing colours. Nevertheless, you need not hesitate to experiment with the writing or the fonts. You just need to be sure of what clicks and doesn’t.
3. Decide the focus point
When you design a poster, and put in the designs and the text, be sure to not randomly fix the focus point on any random place on the content area. Decide which part of the content is important to the marketing context and decide where the focus should lie and where the viewers should concentrate. As to how to increase the focus on a particular piece of content, you can do it by increasing the font size, choosing a dominant font or by using a really attractive colour.
4. Division of information
When you have a lot of information that is to be put into the poster, create a visual hierarchy and divide the whole information into little chunks. Place these little bits on strategic locations on your poster to make sure of an easy read for the viewers. In order to make sure of a defined hierarchical order in the information, use bigger fonts for the most informative chunk and smaller for the least.
5. Less is more
Before you learn and use tips to create a good poster, you need to learn how to utilise space. Within the given space in your entire poster, make sure you fill in all the necessary information pertaining to your point of focus. Also, make sure you leave no white space. A negative or white space in the background of the poster can spoil the entire effect of making it, in the first place.
6. Get inspired
Before you start working on the poster based on any product or a cause, you need to be ready to get inspired by the centre of focus. You also need to let yourself be inspired by the things and lives around you and reproduce that into your poster in ways that your mind could imagine. Also, try to get inspired by posters that you already like or were earlier, popular.
7. Make it one of a kind
You make a poster, it may click or it may not. However, before beginning it, you must always have in mind that you’re creating it to make it stand out.
Ways that you can do it is by using clever and witty content or including quirky images, or the most effective- by using attractive patterns that stick to the minds of the viewers and makes your posters stand out.
8. Finally, keep it simple
When you create a poster, all that may remain in your head is to fill all the information in and to add as many designs as possible. However, never overdo it. If you do, it may come out being too tacky and unattractive.
Use these 8 tips in perfect harmony and the winning poster is all yours. Remember that having a relevant taste which is contemporary to the times is the most important tip any graphic designer could share. Develop a taste and you are good to go!