The Work Life Of A Housewife

By Urban Company
2 min read
May 05, 2016
I remember a video that came a while back. A man enters his house and finds it in a mess. Clothes all over, a sink full of dirty dishes ...
I remember a video that came a while back. A man enters his house and finds it in a mess. Clothes all over, a sink full of dirty dishes and the running water in the bathroom. Fearing a robbery, he runs towards the bedroom to check on his wife, only to find her sitting peacefully on the bed.
“What is this?”, he asks
The wife answers, “Remember you asked me what the hell do I do all day at home?”
The husband answers, “Well, ya!?”.
She says, “I didn’t do it today!”.
We have all advocated that a woman should work and become financially independent. While it is a noble thought, some of us in that process have belittled the work that a housewife does. She gets up the earliest in the morning and is the last to sleep at night. That is way more than the average hours that working professionals put in.
Now don’t get me wrong. I have come from a family where the women have worked outside the house. I work. But what most of us generally forget to acknowledge is the amount of work that goes in maintaining a house, so to seek a balance in the family. The job profile of a housewife.
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Amid her busy schedule in the day, she really doesn’t quite find the time for herself. The general perception of a housewife watching a saas bahu serial all day has never really existed in reality. A housewife finds her salary in compliments and the satisfaction of the family. She finds her content in the relieved smiles of her family, after a sumptuous meal and a home in order to come back to.
Now we at UrbanClap understand and appreciate the sentiment, but why can’t one make it easier, much easier? Be it a home or an office, a hard worker also has to be a smart worker. It is also important to find time for yourself. Here’s how:
Every work has its place in the society and deserves due respect. The work of a housewife comes with an unnegotiable job description. It needs to be treated like any other work but it also needs to give her joy.
Urban Company seeks to help you find joy in your house work.