Side Effects Of Laser Hair Reduction: Myths Busted

By Urban Company
3 min read
Feb 07, 2023
Laser hair removal treatment is quite safe yet there are a lot of myths related to side-effects of laser hair removal. Here we will discuss the possible side effects ...

Laser hair removal treatment is quite safe yet there are a lot of myths related to side-effects of laser hair removal. Here we will discuss the possible side effects in detail and bust the myths around them.
Myth 1: Bikini Laser hair removal can cause Infertility
Fact: The laser beam acts on the hair follicles on the surface of your skin. It doesn’t penetrate through the skin to reach the internal organs. There are no side effects of laser hair removal on bikini area, so forget about lasers affecting your reproductive organs or your fertility.
However, due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, women might experience changes in hair growth patterns. That’s why it is advisable to avoid laser sessions when you are pregnant or planning to conceive.
Myth 2: Laser hair removal causes Cancer
Fact: The radiation used in laser hair removal is completely safe and its association with cancer is not established. The laser beam works superficially on the skin. The radiation of laser beams does not have energy high enough to damage the DNA. They simply work on the hair follicles.
Hence, laser treatments are not associated with cancers in any way. Make sure you take sessions from an experienced professional with FDA-approved laser machines.
Myth 3: Laser hair reduction can cause Skin Infections
Fact: Laser hair removal is done using special machines and a cooling gel is applied on the skin during the treatment.
Urban Companyuses FDA-approved laser technology for hair removal, which is completely safe and gentle on the skin. Also, they sanitize the entire equipment before starting the process, further reducing the possibility of infections or other laser hair reduction side effects. The hair follicles are affected during the laser hair reduction and the skin needs proper care after the treatment.
In absence of a proper post-care routine, you may experience eruptions on the skin. Contact your aesthetician immediately if you observe any such infections.
Myth 4: Laser hair removal results in denser hair on the area treated
Fact: You will not experience side effects of Laser hair removal on face or bikini area if the laser treatment is carried out properly. The laser beam targets the hair follicles from which the hair grows. So an effective laser therapy reduces hair growth and makes the remaining hair thinner with each session. After just a couple of sessions you can observe significant reduction in the hair growth.
Possible after-effects of laser hair removal:
Temporary pigmentation
: One of the side effects of laser hair removal on bikini areas is that it might lead to temporary pigmentation. The skin color turns darker temporarily and becomes normal after some time.
Slight redness
: In the laser hair removal process, heat from a concentrated beam of light is targeted on the hair follicles. You may experience slight redness due to this heat. However,
Urban Companyuses lasers with ice-cool technology for a pain-free experience. In addition to that, cooling gel is also applied on the treatment area to avoid the side effects and disadvantages of laser hair removal.
: After the laser hair removal, the skin becomes tender and sensitive for some time. Sun exposure can worsen the situation and may cause blisters or rashes. Hence it is recommended to avoid direct sun exposure till the skin is completely healed.
When should you see a Doctor?
Laser hair removal involves permanent hair reduction; hence you must stay in touch with an aesthetician at all times.
Urban Companyassigns you an aesthetician for every laser session. If you develop rashes, fever or blisters after the laser hair therapy then consult the aesthetician immediately. Do not self-medicate and never use any ointment or topical solution without consulting the doctor.
Precautions to be taken before laser hair removal
After laser hair removal, long term side effects are least expected. Every person has a different skin type but you can avoid all the laser hair reduction side effects if you take proper precautions before it.
• You should not be pregnant
• Avoid shaving, trimming, waxing a week before and after the laser hair reduction
• Avoid tanning or excess exposure to the direct sunlight before and after the treatment
You can avoid all the side effects of laser hair removal if you get it done from highly qualified and experienced professionals.
Urban Companyprovides FDA approved services at your door step. They sanitize at every single step to ensure complete safety and security. Book a trial session today and experience it for yourself.