Read These Stories Of Women Who Inspire

By Urban Company
2 min read
Mar 08, 2016
It’s the International Women’s Day today. Well, as glad as we are for its existence, we ask, why do we need it? The inspiring stories of these ...

It’s the International Women’s Day today. Well, as glad as we are for its existence, we ask, why do we need it? The inspiring stories of these women weren’t lived in a day. These are stories that will probably never be legends, but are stories that teach us to appreciate that no matter how ordinary our lives – we’ve lived them and that is all that matters. Here’s what these women have to say:
Anjana Somvanshi, Yoga Instructor
– When I married my husband, his friends teased him about my career as a Yoga instructor, as it wasn’t as impressive as his (he’s a software engineer). However, since then, I received a lot of opportunities to help them out when office stress became too much. When my son was 18 months old, I saw him sitting in a Vajra Asana_ and I like to think he heard me talking about it when he was in my womb. Happily, both my kids now know all the _asanas_ and _pranayams. All I can say is that Yoga has been the one constant which has helped me and my family lead a healthy, happy and stress-free life.
Ashita Wadhwa, Interior Designer
: I was considered the second son in my house and was always more inclined towards physical work. Even in school, I was an average student and loved playing cricket and hockey. But due to a major operation in the 12th standard and the extensive recovery that followed, I was forced to drop a year and decided to go ahead with a diploma in Interiors and also picked up the German language. Fortunately, I picked it up really fast and picked it up so well that I was able to teach the other 25 kids in my class. So, by the time I was 19, I was paying for all my expenses and staying by myself without any support from my family. And I haven’t looked back since then.
Vidisha Anand, Dance Instructor
– Dance was always my calling. I started Kathak when I was 8. As I continued learning, I also moved to Jazz and Contemporary. I then joined DanceWorx as an instructor, where I was teaching contemporary, jazz, ballet, and salsa. By the time I was in college, I had started my own dance company- All That Jazz. It wasn’t easy, juggling college and dance, but I did it. We’re going to put on our fifth production this year, and I love every moment of it. I was an introvert when I was younger, but I think dance let me express myself. It found me or maybe, I found myself through dance.
These are some of the women
professionals on Urban Company. These our ordinary people with extraordinary stories and we couldn’t be happier to have them on board. We all have something extraordinary within us – all we have to do is bring it to the light.