Pro Tips: Basics For A Healthy Lifestyle

By Urban Company
3 min read
Feb 18, 2017
When it comes to inspiration, we often fail to inspire ourselves. Don’t we? Sometimes a simple change in lifestyle can make a world of difference. It makes ...

When it comes to inspiration, we often fail to inspire ourselves. Don’t we? Sometimes a simple change in lifestyle can make a world of difference. It makes us feel positive about ourself and brings about the energy needed for the rest of the things. With just a few basic changes in your lifestyle, you will be able to feel a sea of change. Check them out:
Drink Lots of Water

All those benefits of drinking water that you have been hearing about? Yes, they are all true! After all more than half of you is water. Water is the cure for most ailments, skin related, hair related or related to your digestive system. If you often forget to drink water, there are umpteen number of cool apps on the App store to send you reminders to keep a check on it for you.
Sleep Right

You have to, absolutely have to sleep for at the least six hours every day for your body to function in a healthy manner. Do not set alarms on weekends and take proper rest. Try to go to bed early and rise early to complete your chores with a balanced state of mind rather than with a caffeine hit brain.
Healthy Breakfast, Light Dinner

It is said that a healthier breakfast is equal to a healthier you. Your breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day, followed by lunch in small quantity and dinner in even smaller measures. A healthy breakfast usually includes a glass of milk, banana, eggs, whole wheat bread, poha, porridge, oats, other cereals, sprouts or fruits in cream.

Workout doesn’t mean you have to shell out money and join a gym. A brisk walk or a light jog everyday is enough to keep you healthy and on your toes, if done in the right amount and regularly. You can also try a few light exercises at home with proper precaution. Don’t be too harsh on yourself.

Meditating is the best thing to incorporate in your life to live a healthier and peaceful life. Meditating for just five minutes every day can make a huge difference in your patience level and the way you react to stimulus. This does not require any training or equipment. Just sit with your eyes closed, clear your mind and relax! To make it easier, choose the appropriate place or the time of the day. Early morning or just before you sleep at night would work best. You can pick your local park or just spread out a sheet in your balcony in the morning. At night, the comfort of the bed works just fine.

Detox is as important as sleeping. Everyone parties, drinks or smokes and I am not telling you to stop that. But don’t forget to detox your body once in a while. Eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars, and saturated fats, all of which act as toxins in the body for a certain time period to detoxify. Best ways to detox quickly are lemon juice, green tea, fasting for a day, etc. Most famous detox diets are Simple Fruit and Veggie Detox, Smoothie Cleanse, Juice Cleanse, Sugar Detox and Hypoallergenic Detox.
You should detoxify if you see symptoms like:
• Unexplained fatigue
• Sluggish elimination
• Irritated skin
• Allergies
• Low-grade infection
• Puffy eyes or bags under the eyes
• Bloating
• Menstrual problems
• Mental confusion
I hope these tips are simple enough for you all to follow. A few simple ways can actually make a world of a difference. Don’t we all want to stay healthy? That is the biggest motivation you have and that is all that you need!