What Should Be The PH Value Of Your Drinking Water?

By Urban Company
3 min read
Jan 05, 2024
What is pH level in drinking water, why it matters and how to ensure it’s at just the right levels in your water? When you think of clean ...

What is pH level in drinking water, why it matters and how to ensure it’s at just the right levels in your water?
When you think of clean drinking water, it’s not just contaminants you need to worry about. One of the most crucial factors to consider is the pH value of your drinking water. What’s the best pH level for drinking water? How does pH level affect your water supply? Asking yourself these questions is imperative to ensure that you have continuous access to water that is clear of impurities and the optimum pH level. In this primer, we answer some of the frequently asked questions on the internet and explain the importance of pH level in your drinking water:
What is the pH level of drinking water?
pH stands for the potential of hydrogen. It measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance and is calculated on a scale ranging from 0-14.
A pH level of 7 is considered to be neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic, and anything with a pH level above it is considered alkaline.
When it comes to your drinking water, the World Health Organisation says that the pH level of drinking water in most areas should ideally lie within the range of 6.5-8.5.
Why is knowing the pH level of drinking water important?
The pH level of your water can determine:
1. Taste
2. Health and safety
3. Plumbing
4. Your local ecosystem
With effects ranging from immediate to long-lasting, the pH level is an essential parameter to assess your drinking water quality.
How does pH level affect the taste?
One of the immediate effects of pH level is how the water looks and tastes. The closer your drinking water is to the neutral pH level, it’ll taste better and appear clear. Too acidic or alkaline water may have an unpleasant taste and appear cloudy.
What is the healthiest pH for drinking water?
Acidic or alkaline water not only appears and tastes unpleasant but can also be dangerous to your health. Long-term consumption can lead to many water-related illnesses. The healthiest pH level for drinking water should sit right in the middle of the pH scale with a value of 7.
How does the pH level affect plumbing systems?
Extremely acidic or alkaline water can corrode pipes and plumbing fixtures. This corrosion not only will damage your plumbing leading to costly and frequent repairs but can also allow metals to mix with your water supply, further deteriorating the quality of your drinking water.
How does the pH level of water impact the environment?
Water bodies with an erratic pH level could adversely affect aquatic lifeforms. Additionally, if the same water is used for irrigation, it can be detrimental to the plants around you, negatively impacting the local ecosystem.
How to balance pH for safe drinking water?
Now that you’ve recognised the importance of pH level in your drinking water and are concerned about it, you could use testing kits that are easily available to measure the pH level of your water supply. You could also contact water treatment facilities and local authorities to take adequate measures to regulate the pH level. These typically involve adding substances to balance the pH closer to the neutral level. However, you could also improve your drinking water’s pH level by using water purifiers such as
Urban Company’s Native RO Water Purifier. These filtration units are designed to filter impurities that could have an impact on the pH level of water.
While the pH level of drinking water is often overlooked, it remains a crucial aspect of water quality. Ensuring that your water is within the advised range of pH level ensures that you and your family have access to water that not only tastes and looks better but is also safe.