Miles To Go Before I Sleep- My Year With Urban Company

By Urban Company
3 min read
Oct 06, 2023
When you wake up every Monday feeling “WOW! It’s Monday” rather than “Ohh! It’s Monday again!”, you know you are in the right profession and with the ...
When you wake up every Monday feeling “WOW! It’s Monday” rather than “Ohh! It’s Monday again!”, you know you are in the right profession and with the right company. It’s been more than a year of this wonderful journey now & when I look back and find a better version of myself (or rather ‘us’) than yesterday, I finally feel what most of us have been trying to feel in our professional life – content. This satisfaction may sometimes lead to complacency, but at Urban Company it always motivated us to do something better, achieve something bigger every day.
I joined
Urban Companyas a part of the marketing team last year. I have to admit that initially, a strange sense of discomfort enveloped me. Too many changes happened at the same time. My city, my people and my work, all had changed together. It took me some time to see and realize the pace at which the dynamics of this new organization worked. People here worked with a single minded philosophy that they called “hustling”. It was the realization to implement a change which is for the better of the company now, rather than later. Especially if the change meant creating something better and rewarding for all those involved. It meant not getting stuck while waiting for approvals, a flat structure where people were motivated to work together, without long hours wasted in meetings and fancy long strategy presentations etc. It was difficult to come
It was difficult to come to terms with this as I hadn’t experienced it before. But there I was, working in a team that worked single-mindedly to kill it. When you see your colleagues and bosses working passionately without keeping one eye on the clock, it’s something that motivates you like nothing else. A team that works together without fighting about who gets the credit. A team where individual achievements are celebrated together. A team where your CEO also brainstorms with you to solve problems. A team which makes you push your limits and believe in continuous innovations. A team that challenges the existing status-quo, which always resulted in some monumental breakthroughs. It’s been a great experience to be a part of such a team and grow immensely as a result.
In the past one year, I realized at Urban Company, business is not just about numbers, CAC, LTV, revenue etc. Well, numbers are definitely important when it comes to growth. But, there are some intangible aspects which hold a higher priority than the numbers. It’s the people experience and individual satisfaction. Whether it is the customers, the employees or the partners.
Giving a quality and hassle-free experience with the services we offer to our customers is something we aspire to do every single day.
Our professionals are equally valued members of the Urban Company family. We aim to create better livelihood and employment opportunities for our professionals. It’s not just about creating more demand. Instead, we believe in creating the right demand. When I listen to the success stories of some of our pros, read their emails expressing their gratitude, it adds to my feeling of contentment. A contentment that comes from putting hard work and reaping real benefits.
In a nutshell, the past one year has been a great learning experience for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed the shift and I believe there are many years to come and lots of mountains to scale. These famous lines by Robert Frost explain my sentiments exactly: “The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep”.