How To Remove Blackheads At Home

By Urban Company
8 min read
Apr 30, 2017
Of all the types of skin problems, blackheads are the toughest to deal with. Not only are they hard to prevent, they are equally hard to get rid ...

Of all the types of skin problems, blackheads are the toughest to deal with. Not only are they hard to prevent, they are equally hard to get rid off. It has been notified as one of the most common skin disorders by the American Academy of Dermatology. Now a salon visit for a blackhead removal treatment is not always possible, and so, we spoke to some of our best salon and beauty professionals on how to remove blackheads at home.
In this post you will learn:
• How to remove blackheads at home with natural ingredients?
• How to remove blackheads from nose?
• Some good blackhead removal masks
• How to use a blackhead removal tool?
But before all that, let’s start with the most important question.
What Are Blackheads?
Blackheads are those black tipped bumps that appear on your face, particularly on your nose, chin, and forehead. This happens when your pores get clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, becoming a ‘whitehead.’ When the trapped matter reacts with oxygen and darkens, it becomes a blackhead. Besides the face, this types of acne can also appear on your neck, chest, shoulders, arms, and back as well.
Apply a paste of baking soda on the nose where you see blackheads. Wash with lukewarm water. Repeat the activity on alternate days to remove the debris from the pores that can get clogged as a result. Considering it is the clogging of pores because of oil or pollutants in the air that causes blackheads., it is a good idea to remove the debris. Painful and easy way to remove the blackheads.
What Causes Blackheads?
The real question is how do pores get clogged, which in turn cause whiteheads and blackheads to appear. Here are some reasons why those blackheads are appearing on your skin:
• Excessive production and secretion of oil or sebum that clogs the pores.
• Irregular shedding of dead skin cells that clogs and irritates the hair follicles.
• Hormonal changes in the body due to age (puberty especially), or health conditions like stress. In women, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and PCOD (polycystic ovarian disorder) cause blackheads.
• Medications that cause hormonal changes like birth control pills, or steroid-based drugs, like corticosteroids.
Some dermatologists believe that intake of carbohydrate rich foods and drinks could also lead to it. This could easily trigger the acne responsible for these blackheads.
How to Remove Blackheads at Home Using Natural Ingredients?
1. Baking Soda

Why baking soda:
Folks have tried and vouch for the fact that baking soda can dry out clogged pores.
How to remove blackheads with baking soda:
Mix two tablespoons of baking soda along with two spoons of water to form a paste. Apply it on your face and wash it off in a while. Be sure to moisturise your face after this and not repeat this cycle more than twice a week as it could dry up your skin.
2. Turmeric/Haldi

Why turmeric:
As per a Reader Digest report, turmeric is said to battle the fungi out of your skin and thus, prevents the blackheads.
How to remove blackheads with haldi:
Make a paste with one teaspoon of turmeric powder along with water/coconut oil and apply it on your face. Rinse it off within 10 minutes. Don’t keep the pack on for too long since it could result in yellow staining.
3. Coconut oil and Sugar Scrub

Why sugar and oil:
This easy DIY scrub is to keep the blackheads not only off your face and your whole body too.
How to remove blackheads with coconut oil and sugar:
Mix these two ingredients to make scrub and use during a shower. Appy this scrub for close to 10-15 minutes to make the effect is in place.
4. Lemon Juice

Why lemon juice:
Lemon juice is rich with nutrients and could be your ultimate partner in fighting those acne issues.
How to remove blackheads with lemon juice:
Combine lemon juice with sugar to make a scrub. Rub it in circular motions on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing it off. You can also use it with either milk or rose water as a facial cleanser once or twice a week to keep your skin clean and fresh.
5. Oats

Why oats:
Think of oatmeal as a breakfast favourite dish? Expand it further as a method to cleanse your face from blackheads and acnes. This nutrient rich method removes dead skin cells that clogs your pores, leading to blackheads.
How to remove blackheads with oats:
Cook a small quantity of oats in water. Once it cools, apply the mixture to your face and let it stay for 15-20 minutes or till it dries. Wash it off with water. You will need to moisturise too.
6. Honey

Why honey:
Not only is honey a natural cleanser, it’s also has antibacterial properties that reduce the build-up of bacteria in the pores.
How to remove blackheads with honey:
Simply apply some honey to your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. You won’t need to moisturise your skin after since honey is a very good moisturiser too.
7. Green Tea
Why green tea:
Green tea is quite popular as an antioxidant. Besides adding it to your daily routine to flush out toxins, green tea is quite effective in clearing bacteria from your pores.
How to remove blackheads with green tea:
Mix a teaspoon of dry green tea leaves along with water to make a paste. Use the mixture to gently scrub your face for 2-3 minutes. Leave it on for another 2 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
8. Egg Whites

Why egg white:
This protein rich method minimises the possibilities of blackheads to a good extent and also helps in getting you wrinkle-free skin.
How to remove blackheads with egg whites:
Apply a very thin layer of egg white over your face. Place a facial tissue over this layer and press it to your face. To help it stick, apply another layer of egg white on top of the tissue. Wait for it to dry before peeling it off gently. Rinse off any residue left with lukewarm water. Apply a small amount of moisturiser since this pack dries out the skin.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar
Why apple cider vinegar:
The astringent quality in apple cider vinegar helps it dissolve the sebum, and clear up the pores.
How to remove blackheads with apple cider vinegar:
Dab some vinegar on a cotton ball and clean your face with it.
How to Prevent Blackheads?
#1. Wash your face twice a day
When you wash your face too often, your skin dries up, in turn triggering your hormones to produce more oil. This in turn leads to clogged pores. Instead, wash your face with suitable face-wash twice a day. In case your face feels greasy, splash some lukewarm water on your face, or spray some rosewater.
Also, do not debate the idea of washing your hair often if your scalp is oily as this could trigger acnes on your forehead too. Using a sulphate-free shampoo for those regular washes should not bother you about it.
2. Stay away from oil-based, heavy makeup
If you have oily skin that’s prone to blackheads avoid using oil-based foundations and creams. Go for water-based and powder-based makeup products instead. You can even opt for non-comedogenic cosmetics. These are special products that do not block your pores.
More importantly, use a good remover like micellar water to remove every trace of makeup from your skin.
3. Keep your body and mind in shape
When when you are stressed, your body is triggered to secrete more sebum, which means clogged pores. A good exercise and leisure plan will keep your body in shape, and mind at ease. And the results will show almost immediately.
Last Words on How to Remove Blackheads at Home
What is a blackhead removal tool?
A blackhead removal tool or an acne tool is a slim, metal object with a small loop at one end that is used to extract blackheads. If you want remove blackheads at home with a blackhead removal tool, follow these steps:
• Cleanse your face with warm water. Next, press a towel soaked in warm water to your face for 3-5 minutes to open the pores. You can even steam your face.
• Wipe your face dry. Place the loop around the blackhead you want to extract. Apply gently to one side while dragging the tool to the other (just like spreading icing on a cake).
• You will feel the pressure as the hardened black tip of the blackhead pops out, followed by some white-coloured sebum.
• Once you’re done, wash your face again with a mild cleanser and astringent. You can even apply ice to reduce the swelling that may arise.
However, if not used correctly, you could end up with scars and scrapes. Our advice is that you don’t try this at home, and let beauty professional give your a proper blackhead treatment.
How to remove blackheads from your nose?
You can remove blackheads from your nose by either using an exfoliating scrub made with baking soda or sugar and lemon, or a blackhead removal tool. Be sure to cleanse your face to remove an excess oil, and steam your face to open up the pores. This will make help the blackheads come out easily.
Is there a good blackhead mask I can use?
When looking for a good blackhead mask, you need one that unclogs the pores. Peel- masks, especially charcoal peel-off mask and orange peel masks are good for removing whiteheads, shallow small blackheads, and clearing the pores.
It’s also a good idea to get a monthly professional blackhead treatment to reduce the appearance of acne. You can get one in the comfort of your home with
Urban Company’s Salon at Home services.
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