How To Get Salon-Worthy Natural Curls At Home

By Urban Company
4 min read
Mar 22, 2024
If you’re doing a makeover, try these tips on how to curl hair at home. Ask any curly haired girl her haircare routine and she will tell you ...

If you’re doing a makeover, try these tips on how to curl hair at home.
Ask any curly haired girl her
haircare routineand she will tell you the amount of time, patience, and effort it takes to maintain those luscious locks. Well, luckily for you, you can flaunt bouncy ringlets too without having to go through a multi-step procedure to set your hair every day or worry about maintenance. When you feel like you need a break from your regular hairstyle, you can easily curl your hair at home. Now, here are some things you may want to know:
How to go from straight hair to curly
The obvious solution is to use a curling iron to curl stubborn straight strands and help you achieve desired results in less time. The trick to long-lasting curls is to use a wand with a smaller barrel than the curl size you want, as curls tend to loosen over time. Alternatively, you could also try a no-heat curling method such as braiding your hair or using curlers and leaving it on overnight. It may not be as effective and could take longer, but is definitely damage-free.
Which is the right direction to curl hair?
If you are using a curling rod, the right way to do it is to alternate the curling direction to get natural-looking curls. Divide your hair into smaller separate sections and clip up the ones you are not using first, to keep them away from your face. Pick the first bunch and curl it outwards, away from your face. Then, pick the next section and curl it inwards, towards your face. Continue this alternating pattern until you’ve completed all the sections.
How can I curl my hair naturally?
While CGM (Curly Girl Method) is for people with curly hair, it could even be adopted by people with slightly wavy-straight hair too. This method uses products that lock in moisture, leaving your hair less frizzy and curls well defined. After washing and moisturising your hair with a deep nourishing conditioner or hair mask, take some curling cream and gel onto your palms and rake through your hair to ensure even product distribution. Next, divide your hair in parts to twist each strand, finger coil, and scrunch. You could either air dry or diffuse, leaving you with pretty curls. Lastly, apply volumising hair spray to get your curls to stay.
3 easy methods to curl your hair at home
1. Braiding
2. Bun up
3. Twist and roll
The abovementioned methods are all safe to try for DIY curls. The best part? You don’t need to use heat styling tools that could cause long-term damage to your hair. Here’s how you can achieve natural curls at home:
If you want to achieve beach waves at home, this is one of the simplest methods. Wash your hair or use a bottled water spray to keep it moist. Comb through your damp hair and then section your hair – thin ones if you want tighter curls. Braid each section and fasten the end with a rubber band. Ensure your hair is tightly braided on partially wet hair. Leave it on overnight and find beautiful curls in the morning! Avoid combing for the entire day, to keep them intact. Apply a hair spray for long-lasting results.
Bun up
Start with wet or damp hair and comb it through to remove tangles and knots. Now, tie your hair into a tight high ponytail and secure it with hairpins to keep it in place. Section your hair into as many parts as you wish – lesser sections for looser curls, more sections for tighter curls. Wrap each section around your ponytail and secure it with a hairpin. Do this, until all sections are covered and you have a bun at the top of your head. Leave it on overnight and wake up to bouncy curls!
Twist and roll
You will need a lot of hair ties and pins for this one, but trust us the result is worth the effort. Start off with washing your hair and patting it dry or damping it with a bottled spray. Take small portions of your hair from the top of your head, twist them, roll them up into tiny balls and pin them up. Follow the same process with the rest of your hair and leave it on overnight. Cover your hair with a satin bonnet to avoid frizz. When you undo your hair the next morning, you’ll thank us for your gorgeous ringlets.
Looking for easy ways to flaunt beautiful curls? You could try these methods at home or even get a professional to help you get started. Book a session with
Urban Companynow!
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