How To Check Company Registration Status On MCA?

By Urban Company
5 min read
Dec 21, 2017
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) of the Government of India is responsible for ensuring that the corporate sector in India operates under the provision of various acts enacted ...
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) of the Government of India is responsible for ensuring that the corporate sector in India operates under the provision of various acts enacted for this purpose and their rules and regulations. To this end, it administers the Companies Acts of 1956 and 2013, the Limited Liability Partnership Act of 2008, and all other related acts and their rules and regulations. Any company or a limited liability partnership comes under the provision of the MCA. The ministry provides all these details on their website and you can access them by entering your company name there.
Top Reasons Why You Should Check Your Company Registration Status
There are various reasons why you would need to check the company registration status. Some of the primary reasons are:
1. To check the availability of a company name
When you plan to go for a company registration in India, one of the first things you have to do is to check the availability of a name. To do so, you have to put in the name you have thought of and find if any other company exists with that name. Since most companies now also have their online identities and websites that are an important part of their brand building and market presence, it is important to have a unique name to the extent possible.
Considering that there are lakhs of Indian companies registered in the country, not to mention thousands of foreign companies as well, it makes sense to properly check if the name you have chosen is available or not. In fact, this is a must-do when you are thinking of how to register a company in India.
Also, with the MCA introducing a Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company electronically (SPICe) that allows you to apply for a company name when you apply for incorporation, it makes sense to put a name that will not be rejected. Or else, you may have to fill the form and apply again which will only increase the time to incorporate the company.
Other reasons:
There may be quite a few reasons why anyone would want to check a company’s details especially for a private limited company as the details of these companies are somewhat hard to find. Some of these reasons being:
2. Filings:
For instance, a CA firm may have to check the ROC Registration Number for a company for filing reasons. They can simply do a search on the MCA site and get the details. This saves a considerable amount of time. And this is only for the ROC Registration Number. If you look at other details on a company that the MCA site provides, the savings in time only increases.
3. Research:
Various research firms look at the MCA data for different reasons. For instance, they may be helping businesses find new customers or simply doing some other type of research like helping register a company in India. Getting all the relevant data online helps.
4. Legal reasons:
Lawyers would want a company’s details for various financial, regulatory or legal reasons and the MCA site is a good way to get the information to see if the company registration process has been completed. For instance, if they need to check whether a company applying for a loan has any previous change on its property, then they can simply check the MCA site and find the answer to their question.
Let us now look at how to check company registration status on the MCA website.
Step-by-step Process to Check Company Registration Status on the MCA Website
1. Go to the MCA website at mca.gov.in
2. Under the main menu that says Home, About MCA, etc. click on MCA Services
3. A drop down menu will open and you will see a section called Master Data. Under that, you will see a link that says ‘View Company or LLP Master Data’. Click on that link. (A note here, if you want to see only the Index of Charges, you have to click on that specific link. To get only signatory (director) details click on the link of the same name.)
4. You will see a request form with three sections, viz., Company / LLP Name, Company CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/FLLPIN and the verification image.
• Click the magnifying glass on the right side of the Company / LLP Name text box.
• A new window will pop up where you have to fill at least 3 characters of the company name. Click on submit and you will see a list of companies with names containing the characters you have filled in along with their ID number.
• Click on the name and the form will automatically populate the Company / LLP name and the Company CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/FLLPIN
5. Fill in the verification image details and press ‘Submit’
You will then see the complete Company/LLP Master Data along with Charges and Directors/Signatory Details. Let us look what each section provides.
Details to Keep In Mind When Checking Company Registration Status
1. Company/LLP Master Data Details
The details you can check for a company or a limited liability company are:
• Company Identification Number (CIN) (an LLP registration will have the FLLPIN and so on)
• Company Name
• ROC Code
• Registration Number
• Company Category
• Company Sub-Category
• Class of Company
• Authorised Capital
• Paid up Capital
• Number of Members (for companies without share capital)
• Date of Incorporation
• Registered Address
• Any other address other than Registered Address where all or any books of account and papers are maintained
• Whether Listed or not
• Suspended at stock exchange
• Date of last AGM
• Date of Balance Sheet
• Company Status (for efiling)
2. Details of Charges
You will also be able to see the charges against the company. The data you will see will include the following details:
• Assets under Charge
• Charge Amount
• Date of Creation
• Date of Modification
• Status (whether open or closed)
3. Details of Directors or Signatories
You can see the details of all directors of the company under this head. You will be able to see:
• DIN/PAN of the director
• His or her name
• Date he or she was appointed director
• Date his or her appointment as director ended
Clicking on the DIN/PAN will also let you see the other businesses where the individual serves as a director.