Draw Inspiration From The Top 8 Graphic Design Bloggers In Town

By Urban Company
5 min read
Aug 24, 2017
A little animation here, a little color popping there! A figurine with a text cloud of info here and an unmissable logo there! Who wouldn’t love to communicate ...
A little animation here, a little color popping there! A figurine with a text cloud of info here and an unmissable logo there! Who wouldn’t love to communicate with graphics rather than words? The effective communication achieved by graphic designs makes it one of the integral components of marketing itself. If you are a
graphic designer yearning for some inspirationto begin working on your designs, read below to find some of the most inspiring graphic design bloggers across the country and their blog-posts.
Basic graphic designing tips
Since we’re compiling information on effective graphic design bloggers, we are here to provide a few basic tips that a designer should be aware of before getting forward with their designs
• It is important to keep up with trend- You are working with illustrations, drawings, patterns and designs and much like fashion, the world’s sense of art changes quickly and with a huge effect. Thus, it is important for you as a graphic designer, to keep up with these changing trends and ensure your work sells.
• Colours matter- Like changing trends in designs, there are a few colours that click with the audience and a few that don’t. You must try and keep up with what is “colour of the year,” and majorly stick to it.
• Be candid- Graphic designing is a lot of thinking and bringing your sense of style into your work. Thus, to be honest to your thoughts, you need to be honest with these designs. You don’t have to stick to rules every time. If you are able to honestly divert your thoughts into specific designs, then it is sure to click.
1. Krish India Design
Krishnadasan.com is a website run by an Indian digital marketing company called Krish India Design, or popularly known as K.I.D. The company claims to be popular for its digital marketing services, especially, Search Engine Optimisation services. The company manages a graphic designing blog alongside their website. Managed by Ms.Deepa Nair of the same company, the blog has been in existence since 2014 and has been posting consistently ever since on topics that range from secret ways to improve your graphic design to ways to improve your sales using graphic design.
2. Ishan Khosla Design
Founded by Ishan Khosla, this one is a boutique design studio that has been active for nine years now and deals with core graphic designing projects. The company located in the capital city of New Delhi, has some famed clients like Harper Collins, Penguin, The British Council, Indian School of Business, Pan Macmillan, UNICEF etc, among others. The blog maintained by the company on their official website- ishankhosla.com has been very much active since December 2010 and has been updating it regularly ever since.
Their blogs are highly interactive and comes with a touch of quirkiness, filled in designs and posters, clearly showing their experience and mettle.
3. Admec India
Managed by Admec Multimedia, an Institute in India that offers courses beginning from graphic designing to Search Engine Optimisation, this blog has been in existence since February 2014 and has been posting informative pieces related to graphic designing, like Portfolio’s of successful and inspirational graphic designers to ones related to graphic designing for advertisements and great website graphic designing trends of every year that is sure to inspire any mediocre graphic designer to bring out the best in them.
4. Saif Chowdhury
Drawing inspiration from a lot of Korean, Japanese and Indian shows, Saif’s work remains colourful, quirky and well detailed. The designers posts on the blog on blog.society6.com on topics mainly covering tips to get inspired by various designs around you, that you see in your daily life, like movies, clothes on passerby etc and how to turn them into graphic designs. He posts very regularly on the blog and keeping up with it can held beginner graphic designers to keep up with general trends in the designing world.
5. I love typography
Anyone looking for graphic design inspiration will obviously turn towards the internet looking for some. The most recurrent website that is sure to come up is ilovetypography.com. This might be because of the fact that the blog was formed in August 2017 with the help of Fonts by Hoefler and Co. The blog deals only with fonts that can be used in various graphic designs. Fonts are very crucial within a graphic design and the topics that are posted on the blog keeps any graphic designer updated on where and when does peculiar fonts click with the audience and clients alike and fill themselves in on new types of font in town.
6. Designinindia
Dealing with various designs ranging from interior and architectural to graphic designing, this website has different angles and insights into graphic and general deigning by various writers, designers and even companies. A designer going through this website might not be too impressed with the effort they put into designing it, the content is trustworthy and can help you with innovation and improvements through design insights and strategically identified foresights into what the market would need.
7. Design hill
Design hill is a New Delhi based company that deals with graphic deigning, website designing and logo designing and has a company blog that it has been maintaining since its inception. It publishes new content on various branches of designing and how every designer can improve his skills, with various tricks like, using particular colours etc.
8. Inspirationfeed
Like its name suggests, this blog can inspire you just by visiting the page. Filled with a few bright colours and well laid out details, the website itself appears neat and well-designed. To get another dose of inspiration from their feeds, you can scroll down through topics involving how deigns were beginning to be inspired by Korean culture and pop-culture and topics that get your ideas flowing on layouts etc. The best feature of the blog is like we stated already, it is pleasing to the eye and the content published is abundant and new.
Apart from all the exposure, every artist faces a creative block now and again, like a writer going through “writer’s block,” where your brain refuses to inspire you; we hope that this listicle of blogs and bloggers comes in handy. But, before you follow this list, you need to have a clear-cut idea of what kind of a graphic designer you are. Decide, understand and get inspired.