Do You Have It In You To Lead And Inspire?

By Urban Company
2 min read
Feb 25, 2016
The organization of the much-unorganized service sector in India, a frightening thought because of the sheer magnitude of the task. Well, it has been a little over a year ...
The organization of the much-unorganized service sector in India, a frightening thought because of the sheer magnitude of the task. Well, it has been a little over a year and Urban Company has made good headway with this. Far from the finish line, but a lot of bumps flattened. And yes, we’ve had our fair share of competitors join this fight, who we have to admit, help in solving this problem.
While this is a journey we chose to undertake, we’re keen to have you for the rest of our ride.
Services are so subjective that it’s hard to find a really good professional. Everyone who talks to you will make you feel that he’s the hand of god. The proof of the pudding, unfortunately, lies in eating it and by then it could be too late. At
Urban Companywe taste the pudding first, validate the professional and bring him onboard. Most of the professionals have customer reviews to endorse their quality.
So the real question is – how does all this tie you in? Well, we want our discerning customers to on board and help us with this task.
The program aims at –
1. Making our brand known to those who are currently unaware of our existence.
2. UrbanClap wants to make sure we have our A game on and for that, we need you.
The program is simple, you
sign upfor this by filling in a few details and a quick ‘formal’ meet with a representative and thereon enjoy your weekends without any ‘home-work’. Now that line got your attention once again, right? It’s true though signing up this program, entitles you to six free services, each up to Rs.1000 by entering an easy code – (YOURNAME)1000 on our page.
A refresher on the kinds of services we have? home cleaning, car cleaning, bathroom cleaning, home tutors, salon services, electricians and so on. 80+ to choose from. I’m sure that makes your weekend a lot lighter. Whatever it may be, we are here to give you more time to sit back and relax.
Try out the services available on our platform. Talk about them with friends and colleagues and constantly share feedback with us telling us where the scope to improve exists. Also proactively mention Urban Company and its services in a number of relevant groups on Facebook etc.
Let us give you an example: With reference to a social media group (Gurgaon Mom’s)
If an individual posts – Where can I get a reliable plumber?
The Urban Company Ambassador posts a reply – Try Urban Company!
There are still many out there who haven’t heard of us as yet, and we’re very keen to take on the task of making life easier for them.
Another example: During a conversation if a person talks about moving into a new house and needs an interior decorator, the Urban Company Ambassador can suggest Urban Company, as we have several designers on our platform to choose from.
Sign up here
– http://ambassador.urbancompany.com/