Ditching The Cliches This Valentine’S Day

By Urban Company
2 min read
Feb 14, 2017
“Someone, somewhere is made for you” When I was first enamored by this line from a Bollywood movie I really did believe that my sole purpose in life to ...
“Someone, somewhere is made for you”
When I was first enamored by this line from a Bollywood movie I really did believe that my sole purpose in life to exist was for someone else & vice versa. That special someone who Bollywood painted with wash board abs and the looks to die for . But then, I made peace with puberty and developed ambitions. Which made me realize there was someone more important than the love of my life – ME.
Every year it is the same grind. You have your evident couples spending money to make this day special. You also have your singles on their own trip of rebellion and hating everything red. You have those who don’t care and are pretty much indifferent about the change in the environment around them. And unfortunately you also have the tyrant moral police who hunt for couples to lecture them on how westernized a concept this day is.
Loving someone is an extremely personal emotion and it is only up to the two people involved on how they choose to celebrate it. Whether it is spending the big bucks on the other person, or lamenting about the waste of time and money and just enjoying a movie in bed, or even being indifferent about the day- together.
Throughout the day I have seen numerous articles trending on what to give and what not to your loved one. Everyone seems to have that ultimate list of gifts for your loved one. But here is ONE advice that we shared with you.
We simply told you to to make that extra effort for yourself this valentine’s day. Don’t we all go that extra mile this day for the one we love? So we at
Urban Companytold you to #DitchTheCliches and try this instead:
The most important person in your life is you. After all, there has to be stronger sense of you when someone says “I love you” to you. Take the time out to realize what you would want for yourself. It may be as small as sitting idle and enjoying the ME time. Why not enjoy it whilst getting pampered? You certainly don’t need one day of the year to make yourself realize that.
Wish you a very happy valentine’s day and here is hoping that you celebrate it every year with the same spirit and fervor with your loved one, and yourself!