Daily DIY Home Care: Easy Homemade Pest Control Solutions

By Urban Company
1 min read
Aug 30, 2016
Are you tired of using store bought pest sprays in vain? If yes, well, it sounds like you’re as ‘bugged’ as we are. We know how these ...

Are you tired of using store bought pest sprays in vain? If yes, well, it sounds like you’re as ‘bugged’ as we are. We know how these unwanted guests can hinder your happiness by invading your home. Which is why we came up with these easy fixes to drive all your worries away, and of course the flies and insects too!
1) Orange and Vinegar Spray
Who knew a simple salad dressing could have so many unbelievable uses? From beauty to cleaning and now pest repellent! It almost seems unreal. Well, this time, vinegar will help drive away ants and other insects from your home. All you need to do is soak some orange peels in some vinegar and keep it in a sealed container for two weeks. In the end, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and you have your very own non-toxic pest repellent spray!
2) Essential Oil Pest Repellent
This spray is highly effective when sprinkled on clothes and other items in the house. But make sure you don’t spray it directly onto the skin, it can cause harm to it. You can choose from many essential oils like tea tree, lemon, lavender and even orange. Along with the essential oil, all you need is a spray bottle and some vinegar.
3) Lemon and Cloves
One of the things that mosquitoes absolutely hate is the smell of cloves and anything citrusy. Put them both together and you get a natural bug repellent right at home. Simply stick a few cloves into the lemons and you’re done! Keep them in a pest prone area and see the magic!
Let us know how well these techniques worked for you. And if they didn’t, there’s an even easier way to a pest free home! Hire professional help on Urban Company today.