Bouncing Back Into Shape Post Pregnancy

By Urban Company
4 min read
Apr 13, 2017
After nine months of being in a body that was constantly changing, I was psyched to finally meet my son and embrace the ‘MOM LIFE’ . At the same ...

After nine months of being in a body that was constantly changing, I was psyched to finally meet my son and embrace the ‘MOM LIFE’ . At the same time I was also very keen to get back into shape. I didn’t want to diet as it is no fun, and definitely not a good idea if your are breast feeding. I had to keep telling myself it’s natural and inevitable that carrying a baby for nine months and subsequently popping, is bound to change my body dramatically.
In these past few months I realized that the belly bulge doesn’t disappear after giving birth, as your uterus is in involution, your hormones are shifting to accommodate breastfeeding, your breasts are saggy, you’re sweating out extra fluids from the pregnancy and the fluids given during labor. In fact for the first several months you have neither a pre pregnant body nor a post baby body. (atleast for some women)
But when we see celebrity moms or models bounce back into shape in weeks, it feels like there is a magical formula to drop the baby weight quickly. In my opinion with a personal trainer, nutritionist, and 24-hour child care support, you too could be hitting the runway six weeks after popping out!
Meanwhile in the real world, doctors agree that we should give ourselves a year to get our pre baby body back. New moms should be gentle with their bodies for reasons like:
• The lingering effects of hormones like Relaxin during pregnancy, softens up the body ligaments and muscles in preparations for birth. Thus leaving one vulnerable to injuries
• It also takes muscles 4-6 weeks (or even more) to realign the abdominal muscles post pregnancy
• First year with a baby is often tiring and demanding too and can lead to stress & exhaustion.
In my experience post pregnancy weight loss involves a lot more than an individual’s motivation. One needs to respect all that their body has been through, and what it is doing after giving birth. I believe we should keep realistic expectations and set goals that are achievable in time. This keeps one motivated in the process and not lose steam.
Below are my recommendations for new moms to prepare themselves for their post baby weight loss journey.
Breastfeeding helps lose a lot of weight even without much effort, but that is not necessarily true for all new moms. All women burn calories breastfeeding. It’s just that some women see weight loss immediately while others don’t until weaning. What is important is to avoid dieting, eat well and stay hydrated. To fuel breastfeeding the general recommendation include new moms eating 500 calories extra a day. So don’t over eat and stick to a healthy and balanced diet.
Exercise only when you have thumbs up from your gynecologist. Taking your baby in the stroller can help increase the intensity of your routine while giving you the opportunity to get out of the house and not worry about getting a caregiver during your workout sessions.
Walk right
Walking tall with relaxed shoulders helps posture and by lengthening the stride while pushing the stroller, one’s legs and buttocks get a really good work out. (_I started with power walking three to four times a week, 6 weeks post my C section and slowly increased the intensity by jogging larger distances and increasing my pace. Within 4 months of my delivery I ran and completed my first 10k)
Mixing it up
I highly recommend mixing workouts as it takes away boredom from the same workout routine.
Pliates and Yoga
help in flexibility, yet a mix of aerobic exercise with one of the 2 workouts can be a great way to get rid of the belly. Don’t forget to alert your instructor that you are a new mom to avoid some intense moves.
is a perfect aerobic exercise for the entire body and has minimal risk of injury.
Exercise Classes
may differ in intensity so sticking to an exercise class that is designed for postnatal woman is your best bet. It is also a great place to make new mom friends
Take a break
There will be many days when you are exhausted, sore and still trying to absorb the surreal fact that you’re now a parent. And if there was bad night or if I you are too tired, leave the exercise routine for a few days. Be gentle on yourself and accept your new body whether you get down to your same pre-pregnancy size or hover above it. Your ultimate goal is to feel good and be around for your kid for a long time.
“Let’s not obsess over how we LOOK, but how we FEEL !”
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