After Wax Care – Dos & Don’ts for Flawless Skin

Give your skin the TLC it deserves after a waxing session. Here is everything you need to do (and avoid doing) post waxing so you can get smooth and ...

4 min read

Give your skin the TLC it deserves after a waxing session. Here is everything you need to do (and avoid doing) post waxing so you can get smooth and healthy skin!

So, you’re done with waxing. The hard part is over, and you are busy admiring your smooth, soft skin. But if you want to keep it that way you need to follow the correct after-wax care routine to avoid irritation, bumps, ingrown hair, and infection.

Remember that your skin will be sensitive for at least 24-48 hours after waxing, so you need to show it some extra care, especially during this time. Here are some post-wax care tips to help you do just that!

Post-wax care: How do you take care of your skin after waxing?

1. Apply a cold compress

Freshly waxed skin can feel raw and tender or like a mild sunburn, making you uncomfortable and craving relief. 

So, make cold compress an essential part of your post-wax care regimen. Applying cold compress is an excellent option for immediate respite and one you should consider adding to your after-wax care routine. It will not only soothe any irritation or inflammation but also reduce redness and swelling. 

While using a cold compress, ensure it is clean else your skin might get infected. Waxed skin has empty hair follicles that bacteria can easily infect.    

2. Exfoliate but at the right time 

While exfoliation is recommended before waxing, you must avoid it immediately after a waxing session. It doesn’t mean exfoliation should be part of your post-wax care routine at all. Just wait for a couple of days before getting to it. By this time, your skin will be less sensitive, and your pores will have closed. 

In fact, regular cleansing and exfoliation — two to three times a week — with an exfoliating cloth or a mild scrub is a must. It is an easy and effective way to prevent the build-up of dead skin cells, dirt and other debris that can clog pores. This, in turn, prevents ingrown hair and bumps caused during the regrowth phase. 

3. Wear airy, loose clothing

Let your skin breathe after a body wax. Avoid tight clothing for at least 48 hours. It can increase irritation and the chances of ingrown hair.

The clothing, which presses tight against your sensitive skin, also presses down on the hair that is trying to grow, reinserting it back into the skin. Tight clothing can cause bacteria and sweat to collect on your vulnerable skin. It’s never a good idea. So, opt for light, loose clothing from natural fibres like cotton. They are gentler on your skin, allowing it to breathe and heal. 

Also, stay away from scratchy or non-breathable fabrics. They will rub against your already sensitive skin, causing irritation. Remember to wear breathable cotton underwear if you’ve gone in for a bikini wax. This avoids friction and sweat and decreases the risk of infection or irritation. And you want neither on your bikini line.

4. Moisturise your skin

Waxing can cause dryness as it removes some natural oils from the skin. So, including some nourishing skincare products in your after-wax care routine is essential.

Moisturise your skin with a gentle body oil or oil-based product to lock in moisture and keep your skin supple and silky (it will also help remove any wax that’s been left behind). Remember to use a light product as you don’t want to clog your pores. Avoid applying a perfumed product, as it can irritate your sensitive skin.

Waxing after-care: What should you not do immediately after waxing?

1. Don’t touch your skin too often

We all love the feel of our smooth skin after it’s hair-free. And it’s tempting to stroke your skin to feel just how soft and smooth it is. Resist that temptation. 

Waxing removes the outermost layer of your skin — after all, it is a type of physical exfoliation. So, your skin is more sensitive at this time and susceptible to infections. Touching it frequently can transfer the bacteria and germs on your hands onto your freshly waxed skin. 

2. Avoid hot baths

We understand the allure of a hot bath. It’s a wonderful way to release tension and loosen muscles. But it is a definite no-no for 24 to 48 hours after a waxing treatment.

The extreme heat can irritate and dry out your skin and aggravate redness and inflammation. So, bathe or shower with cold or lukewarm water after wax care. Also, avoid saunas and hot tubs. 

3. Don’t go swimming

Wait for at least 48 hours before going for any swim after waxing. The chlorine in pool water and the salt in seawater can be harsh on your already sensitive skin, causing irritation and bumps. Pools can also harbour breakout-causing bacteria, so steer clear of them for a while. 

Direct exposure to the sun is another reason to stay away from a pool. Your skin is especially vulnerable after waxing — its outer layer has been stripped — making it more susceptible to burning and sun damage. Remember to apply light sunscreen if you are stepping out in the sun. This step in your after-wax care routine is crucial, as going out without protection can cause hyperpigmentation on the exposed skin. 

4. Avoid picking on ingrown hairs and popping bumps

If you notice ingrown hairs after your waxing session, resist the temptation to pick at them. This can damage your skin and transfer bacteria into your open pores, increasing the chances of infection. Wait at least 48 hours before using a gentle exfoliant on the area with the ingrowths. 


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