Adopting United Nation’S SDGs To Build A Better World | Urban Company’S ESG India Report

By Urban Company
2 min read
Oct 21, 2023
As we work towards building a sustainable and responsible organization, here’s our first ESG India report outlining our efforts thus far, but more importantly laying down our commitments ...

As we work towards building a sustainable and responsible organization, here’s our first ESG India report outlining our efforts thus far, but more importantly laying down our commitments and goals towards building a better world.

In 2015, United Nations released the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. These goals lay out the agenda to end poverty and other deprivations, improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth — all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
Of the 17 goals, we identified 5 priority goals that align well with our vision, mission and core platform operations. These goals will help us contribute to building a better world for everyone.
What are these goals?
Gender equality:
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Decent work and economic growthPromote sustained, inclusive and
sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and
decent work for all.
Reduced inequalities:
Reduce inequality within and among countries.
Responsible consumption and production:
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
ESG Materiality Matrix
Our ESG materiality assessment has been designed to identify the most relevant and pertinent issues for our organization from an ESG perspective.

Urban Company ESG materiality matrix
Our ESG commitments
Our key pillars of impact tie up with the overall ESG commitments of promoting economic empowerment, equity, social security, safety, and a better quality of life for all our stakeholders as we organize home and beauty services.

Urban Company ESG commitments
Social | Middle-class earnings
We have a structured approach towards the holistic development of our service partners. Our investments in skilling our professionals have paid rich dividends through high customer satisfaction. This has led to an increase in demand for our partners who are being recognised respectfully in the society for their skills.
In November 2021, we partnered with
PGA Labs(business research unit of the consulting firm Praxis Global Alliance) to conduct a study, comparing the earnings and work-life balance of service partners operating on the UC platform to professionals working in the offline industry.
UC partners’ net earnings are 2x the min. wage
₹30,455 — Net earnings per month for partners with >30 orders in a month
₹38,263 — Net earnings per month for top 20% UC partners
Minimum wage in Delhi for semi-skilled is INR 15,400 ( the highest among all states & UTs in India)