5 Tips For Designing Logo For Your Business

By Urban Company
2 min read
Oct 06, 2017
For the success of any business, it is essential to connect with your users. Irrespective of the type of your business – Brick and Mortar or Online – you are constantly ...
From big companies to small, all rope in logo design agencies to design their logos. Some of the world-renowned agencies include Blue Fountain Media and Logo Works, that have created logos for some of the top brands that you see. But before you seek help from any such service, it is necessary to figure out answers to some preliminary questions:
1. Who is your target audience?
2. What emotion or thought should pop in your customer’s mind when they see your logo?
3. What does your company stand for?
4. What message do you want to convey through your logo?
Once you have answered these questions, you are ready to start work on your logo. While there are various online services (online logo makers like Graphic Springs) and offline products (Photoshop, Sketch, etc.) that you can use to create your logo for free, you might want to hire a design agency or a freelancer to do it for you. Furthermore, keep the following points in mind to avoid making a mistake:
As they say, keep it simple. Avoid using too many colors or fonts in the logo. It should be easy on the eyes. Don’t make the logo design too complex to avoid scalability issues. The logo should be as clear on an App screen as it is on a road side hoarding.
Multi-purpose Logo
Your logo should be designed keeping in mind that it would be used across all your media properties, both online and offline. The logo should come out well on your website as well as business cards or brochures.
Lingual or Cultural Issues
You might have read about various failed marketing strategies where interpretation in different cultures was not considered. You should talk to an audience set from all your target groups before finalizing your logo.
Message Conveyed
Your logo should be in line with the message that you want to convey. For example, Amazon’s logo has an arrow that goes from a to z depicting that they have all the products under the sun for you. The three ellipses in Toyota’s logo, which form the now famous ‘t’ logo stand for the 3 values for which the company represents – customer’s heart, company’s heart and world’s embracing of Toyota – giving a visual identity to their values.
Stage of the Company
When creating a logo or getting a logo designed, keep in mind the current size of your business. As your business grows and your brand recognition increases, you can also modify your logo to be a truer reflection of your company. While golden arches of McDonalds, or G of Google are well known today, that was not the case when they had started out. Nobody knew who they were and hence they used their entire name on the logo. It was only after they became famous that they shed the name of the company and adopted the new logo.
Designing the right logo is an iterative process. You will find that most of the brands keep on modifying their logo to depict change. We have compiled some ideas
herewhich would help you get started. If you wish to
hire professional logo designers, you can find them on Urban Company.