5 Beautiful Baby Keepsake Ideas

By Urban Company
2 min read
Feb 20, 2017
“If only babies could stay babies forever!” Every new mother has probably had this fleeting thought cross her mind and she holds her bundle of joy and inhales that ...
“If only babies could stay babies forever!” Every new mother has probably had this fleeting thought cross her mind and she holds her bundle of joy and inhales that sweet, fragrant baby smell. Tiny little fingers and tiny little toes that shoot up in no time, leaving you wondering where the time goes! Just to help you cherish those memories of your little one, even when he or she is not-so-little anymore, here’s a bunch of baby keepsake ideas that can help preserve your memories for the future:
Baby’s First Prints
Make plaster of paris moulds of your baby’s hands and feet and store them in a box to look back at years later. For an easier, organic alternative – simply mix some strands of saffron with water to make an orange paste and lightly colour baby’s palms and feet with them. Take a palm print/ foot print on a cloth or paper and either convert it into a display piece or something you can safely stow away in the back of the closet
The First Appearance
Remember all those nail-biting moments at the clinic, waiting to see scans of the little one growing in your womb? Why not use those images to make a beautiful keepsake to remember your child by. You can simply make a collage of all the scans you have from the time of conception right until baby’s birth and marvel at how quickly and magically, your body has produced such a wonderful gift.
Keepsake Treasure Box
Find items unique to your baby and create a special treasure box of memories that you can remember her/ him by. From baby’s first onesie, mittens, booties to a rattle, pacifier and even the birth certificate – you can store anything that serves as a reminder of your special little one. Customise the box with a photo of baby or get creative with stick on art, ribbons, buttons and any other decor.
Watch Baby Grow
Create a personalised height measurement chart on a stiff board and decorate it pictures of baby or any fun images that you like. Track baby’s progress on it month on month and marvel at just how fast your tiny one is evolving into a sitter-crawler-walker-toddler!
The Book of Firsts
Create your own diary, archiving baby’s milestones as you go along. You can even buy Baby Record Books online from sites like Amazon or Flipkart, which come with cheery imagery and captions and space for you to pen down when baby rolled over or smiled or ate solids for the first time.
Now that’s a bunch of ideas to help you get started on your baby’s keepsakes. Think creative, think out of the box and have a whole lot of fun while doing it!
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